Monday, June 10, 2024

Beautiful Life Mixed Media Art

I  used a  page torn from a damaged book for the base of this mixed media art. It is 4x6 inches in size. The book page was stenciled with acrylic paints. A painted paper scrap and a piece of netting from a recycled produce bag were used for texture. The Pillbox hat woman is from Etsy.

I would like to enter this project in the following challenges:

Stencil Fun - anything goes with a stencil

Classic Design - #5 anything goes

DigiChoosday - #22 anything goes

Word Art Wednesday - #651 sentiment

Penny's - #573 anything goes

Pammie's - #2423 anything goes

♥ Wendy



Diane said...

Wow, so creatively awesome!!
Thank you for joining our challenge at Stencil Fun!
Diane SF Co-Owner
{Nellies Nest}
{Stencil Fun}

Jana Forrest said...

This project is amazing. Love the stenciling and the colors you have chosen. Thank you for sharing over at Penny's Challenge. Best of luck, Jana DT